Privacy Policy for Kingdom Business Builders


Welcome to the Kingdom Business Builders website. We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your personal data is handled securely and responsibly. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of personal data we collect, how we use it, and the rights you have regarding your data.

Data Collection

We collect the following types of personal data from our users:

  • Full Name, Email Address, and Phone Number: For account creation and communication purposes.
  • Billing Information: Including credit card details, for processing payments on the website.
  • Site Usage Data: Such as page visits and interactions, to improve user experience and tailor our services.
  • Feedback and Survey Responses: Provided by users to enhance our products and services.
  • Voluntarily Submitted Information: Any other information you choose to provide through our website or communication channels.

Data Usage

We use the collected data for the following purposes:

  • Account Creation and Communication: Your full name, email, and phone number are used to create your account, authenticate your identity, and communicate with you about your account, services, and relevant updates.
  • Payment Processing: Billing information, including credit card details, is used solely for processing payments and refunds for services you have requested.
  • Improving User Experience: Site usage data is analyzed to understand how users interact with our website, allowing us to improve user experience, personalize content, and develop new features and services.
  • Enhancing Products and Services: User feedback and survey responses help us improve our products, services, and customer support, and better understand your preferences and needs.
  • Voluntarily Submitted Information: Any additional information you provide is used in accordance with the reason for which it was submitted, such as responding to inquiries or providing requested services.

User Rights

You have the following rights regarding your personal data:

  • Access: Request access to the personal data we hold about you and receive a copy of it.
  • Correction: Request the correction of any inaccurate or incomplete personal data.
  • Deletion: Request the deletion of your personal data, under certain conditions, where it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or processed.
  • Objection: Object to the processing of your personal data, including for direct marketing purposes.
  • Restriction: Request the restriction of the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances, such as when you contest the accuracy of your data or object to the processing.
  • Data Portability: Obtain and reuse your personal data for your purposes across different services.
  • Withdrawal of Consent: Withdraw consent at any time where we rely on your consent to process your personal data, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, your personal data, or your rights, please contact us at:

Thank you for trusting Kingdom Business Builders with your personal data. We are committed to protecting your privacy and enhancing your experience with our services.