Entrepreneurship after Felony Conviction


Overcoming Job Hurdles: The Challenges Felony Convictions Pose and the Path to Entrepreneurship

Felony convictions can cast a long shadow over one's life, especially when it comes to finding employment. Business owners, professionals, and members of Kingdom Business Builders need to understand these challenges to foster a more inclusive and supportive community. This article explores the hurdles felons face in the job market, shares inspiring stories of those who’ve turned to entrepreneurship, and highlights how Kingdom Business Builders is making a difference.

The Challenges and Stereotypes Felons Face in the Job Market

The job market is tough for anyone, but for individuals with felony convictions, the challenge is even greater. Society often stigmatizes felons, associating them with negative stereotypes that can be hard to shake off. These misconceptions not only affect their self-esteem but also their chances of securing employment.

Common Challenges:

  • Discrimination in Hiring: Many employers are hesitant to hire individuals with felony convictions, fearing potential risks or liability issues.
  • Lack of Opportunities: Felons often find themselves limited to low-paying, unskilled jobs that do not offer long-term career growth.
  • Gaps in Employment: Time spent incarcerated can create significant gaps in a resume, making it difficult to demonstrate steady work history or relevant experience.

Unemployment Rates Among Felons

The unemployment rates for individuals with felony convictions remain alarmingly high. Research indicates that roughly 60% to 75% of felons are unemployed one year after their release. This statistic underscores the significant barriers they face in securing stable employment and reintegrating into society. The ongoing stigma and discrimination in the hiring process contribute to this disparity, making it essential for organizations like Kingdom Business Builders to provide support and resources that empower these individuals to pursue entrepreneurial opportunities as a viable path towards economic independence and personal growth.

Strategies and Success Stories

Despite these hurdles, many individuals with felony convictions have found success by starting their own businesses. Entrepreneurship provides a unique opportunity to bypass traditional employment barriers and create a new path forward.

Success Stories:

  • Lawrence Carpenter's Journey to Success: Lawrence, a convicted felon, struggled to find employment due to his record. Determined to turn his life around, he started a small cleaning business. With hard work and dedication, he grew his business into a thriving enterprise, providing jobs for others who also faced similar barriers.
  • Queen Coffee Bean: Claudia Shivers used her passion for coffee to launch a home-based coffee roasting business. Leveraging social media and local markets, she built a loyal customer base and eventually became a respected business owner in her community.

Strategies for Success:

  • Leverage Skills and Interests: Identify your strengths and passions, and consider how they can be turned into a business opportunity.
  • Network and Seek Mentorship: Build connections with other entrepreneurs and seek advice from mentors who can provide guidance and support.
  • Utilize Available Resources: There are numerous programs and organizations dedicated to helping felons start businesses. Take advantage of these resources to gain knowledge and funding.

How Kingdom Business Builders is Making a Difference

Kingdom Business Builders (KBB) is deeply committed to supporting individuals impacted by the justice system. Our mission is to provide the necessary resources and support for felons to thrive as entrepreneurs. Through mentorship, training, and financial assistance, we are working to break down the barriers that prevent these individuals from achieving their full potential.

How Your Membership Dues Help:

  • Funding Business Ventures: A portion of membership dues is allocated to grants and loans for felons starting their own businesses.
  • Providing Training and Resources: We offer workshops, courses, and one-on-one mentoring to equip aspiring entrepreneurs with the skills they need to succeed.
  • Building a Supportive Community: Members of KBB play a crucial role in fostering a welcoming environment for all, including those with felony convictions, ensuring they have the support and encouragement needed to thrive.


Felony convictions undoubtedly present significant challenges in the job market, but they do not have to be a life sentence. Entrepreneurship offers a powerful pathway to overcoming these hurdles and building a successful future. Kingdom Business Builders is proud to stand alongside felons, providing the resources and support necessary to turn dreams into reality.

If you're inspired by our mission and want to make a tangible difference, consider joining Kingdom Business Builders. Together, we can create a more inclusive, supportive, and prosperous community for everyone.

Call to Action:

Ready to make a difference? Join Kingdom Business Builders today and help us empower felons to build successful businesses and brighter futures.