Lessons from John D. Rockefeller


Lessons from John D. Rockefeller

Key Scriptures

  • Proverbs 11:24-25: "One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."
  • Matthew 6:33: "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."


John D. Rockefeller, America’s first billionaire and the founder of Standard Oil, is a figure who sparks both admiration and controversy. Despite facing intense criticism, he laid a blueprint for ethical and sustainable business practices, philanthropy, and resilience. His life and career offer invaluable lessons for today’s Kingdom Business Builders.

John D. Rockefeller was deeply influenced by his Baptist upbringing, which instilled in him the values of hard work, discipline, and faith in God. Throughout his life, he was known for his strong commitment to his religious beliefs, viewing his wealth as a means to serve others and glorify God. Rockefeller routinely attended church services and was an active member of the church community. A Baptist preacher once encouraged him to "make as much money as he could, and then give away as much as he could".

Divine Intervention

The Angola Horror, a catastrophic train crash that took place in 1887 in Angola, New York, had a profound influence on John D. Rockefeller's life. Remarkably, Rockefeller was meant to be aboard that ill-fated train; his luggage was loaded on it, but he missed the departure due to being late. This near miss prompted him to reflect deeply on the fragility of life and the concept of divine purpose. He became convinced that God preordains our paths, leading him to believe that each individual's existence serves a specific reason. This incident, tragic as it was, reinforced his conviction that events in life—however difficult—can contribute to a larger design. Motivated by this belief, Rockefeller dedicated himself to hard work, efficient business practices, and philanthropic efforts, seeing these as his way of fulfilling God’s plan for him. Such life-altering experiences cemented his commitment to using wealth as a means to benefit others, echoing the scriptural principle of seeking first the Kingdom of God.

The Power of Innovation

Rockefeller entered the oil industry during the Civil War and quickly rose to prominence due to his innovative approach. Unlike his competitors who dumped oil byproducts into rivers, Rockefeller invested in research and development. His team found ways to turn waste products into valuable commodities like waxes and detergents. His ability to refine more kerosene from a barrel of oil than anyone else turned him into a billionaire.

  • Application: In your business, continually seek innovation and improvement. Invest in research and technology to maximize efficiency and create value from what others might see as waste.

Prioritize Ethical Practices

Rockefeller's commitment to providing affordable, high-quality petroleum products helped improve the quality of life for the poor and middle class. Despite the controversies surrounding his business tactics, his focus on delivering value was undeniable.

  • Application: Always prioritize ethical and sustainable business practices. Your goal should be to create value not just for your company but also for your community and the world at large.

Resilience in the Face of Criticism

Rockefeller faced severe criticism from journalist Ida Tarbell and the government. Despite being attacked, he chose to ignore baseless allegations and focus on his mission. He believed that his actions would speak louder than words.

As believers, we are reminded that our citizenship is in heaven, and we are not of this world (Philippians 3:20). This perspective is crucial for Kingdom Business Builders, as it enables us to navigate the challenges and criticisms that often arise in our professional journeys.

John D. Rockefeller encountered significant vilification throughout his career; detractors attempted to paint him as a ruthless monopolist and capitalistic villain. Yet, despite the world's attempts to malign his character, Rockefeller remained steadfast in his commitment to doing God's will. He understood that his true purpose was not merely to accumulate wealth, but to serve others through his business, uplift his community, and fulfill a higher calling. By keeping his focus on integrity, generosity, and giving back, Rockefeller exemplified how one can thrive in business while remaining aligned with divine principles, undeterred by worldly judgment.


  • Embrace your identity as a Kingdom Business Builder and focus on your mission to reflect God's will in your work. When faced with criticism, remember to act with integrity and purpose, ensuring that your actions align with your values and serve the greater good.
  • Learn to discern between constructive criticism that can help you grow and baseless attacks. Develop the resilience to ignore the latter and stay focused on your vision and core values.

Long-term Perspective

Rockefeller’s strategies often resulted in win-win solutions. By focusing on long-term gains rather than short-term profits, he helped the U.S. become a major industrial power.

  • Application: Cultivate a long-term perspective in your business strategies. Seek win-win solutions that benefit both your company and the stakeholders involved.

Philanthropy and Generosity

Rockefeller was known for his philanthropy, donating millions to education, healthcare, and scientific research. His belief in predestiny by God compelled him to use his wealth for the greater good.

  • Application: Keep your focus on seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Trust that aligning with His will and values will guide your business towards success with integrity. Be generous and give freely, knowing that a generous person will prosper.


John D. Rockefeller’s life is a testimony to the power of innovation, ethical practices, resilience, long-term planning, and philanthropy. By integrating these principles into your business, you can create a sustainable and impactful enterprise.

Reflect on Proverbs 11:24-25 and Matthew 6:33 as you make decisions in your business. Remember, those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.

Reflection Questions

  1. How can you incorporate a long-term perspective in your business decisions, ensuring that you create value not only for your company but also for your community?

  1. In what ways can you demonstrate resilience when faced with criticism in your professional journey, and how can this reflect your commitment to your values and mission?

  1. What steps can you take to enhance your philanthropic efforts, aligning your business practices with the principle of serving others and contributing to the greater good?